Tag: announcements

MGHA Town Hall Meeting – March 11th, 6:30pm

Hey MGHA! Our mid-season Town Hall Meeting is coming up next week! This year will be a virtual town hall, from 6:30-8pm on Tuesday, March 11th! For those new around here, the Town Hall Meeting is a chance for the MGHA Board and other league organizers to share a little about what we have been working on this year, and a chance for you to bring your questions, suggestions, and ideas for the rest of this season and beyond! 

If you can’t make it, don’t worry! We will send out the notes in an email update, and you’re always welcome to contact the Board or leave anonymous feedback in our website feedback form if you have ideas you want to share! Here’s what to expect from the evening:

2024-2025 MGHA Virtual Town Hall

Tuesday, March 11th: 6:30 – 8pm (Link will be sent prior to meeting date)

6:30 – 7pm: League updates and announcements!

  • Quick introduction of the MGHA organizing groups
  • Highlights from the 2024-2025 season so far
  • Events recap and announcements
  • Financial update
  • Reminder about our annual meeting in May – become an MGHA member!

7 – 7:15pm: Tournament Jerseys

  • It’s been an ongoing topic, the creation of a “league” jersey that can be used when MGHA players form a team in an out-of-town tournament

7:15 – 7:45pm: League Expansion Discussion

  • Survey responses, present initial concepts/plan ideas for what an expansion might look like
  • Solicit feedback

7:15 – 7:45pm: Open discussion, the “ask us anything!” part of the evening!

  • Bring your questions, discussion suggestions, feedback, friendship, etc.

7:45 – 8pm: Wrapping up. 

See you soon!

MGHA Town Hall Meeting – Feb. 26 6-8pm at Delta Beer Lab!

Hey MGHA! Our mid-season Town Hall Meeting is coming up at the end of the month! Come out to Delta Beer Lab from 6-8pm on Monday, Feb 26th! For those new around here, the Town Hall Meeting is a chance for the MGHA Board and other league organizers to share a little about what we’ve been working on this year, and a chance for you to bring your questions, suggestions, and ideas for the rest of this season and beyond! 

If you can’t make it, don’t worry! We’ll send out the notes in an email update (we know how much you love email updates), and you’re always welcome to contact the board or leave anonymous feedback in our website feedback form if you have ideas you want to share! Here’s what to expect from the evening:

2023-2024 MGHA Town Hall

Monday, Feb. 26th: 6 – 8pm at Delta Beer Lab

6 – 6:30pm: Social time! Hang, catch up, and grab a beverage if you wish, then head to the back room at Delta for the meeting.6:30 – 7pm: League updates and announcements!

  • Quick introduction of the MGHA organizing groups
  • Highlights from the 2023-2024 season so far
  • Events recap and announcements
  • Financial update
  • Reminder about our annual meeting in May – become an MGHA member!

7 – 7:30pm: Open discussion, the “ask us anything!” part of the evening!
Bring your questions, discussion suggestions, feedback, friendship, etc.

7:30 – 7:45pm: Closing up. Clear out and put away chairs before Delta closes at 8pm.

See you soon!