21 Rob Kalejta

Current Team
Pineapples Under The Sea
Monona, WI

Player Bio

I appreciate the opportunity to play in the MGHA. It’s a great league to learn how to play hockey and to prove that, despite our differences, there are things that we all have in common. Playing in the MGHA has definitely made me a better skater and hockey player. Playing MGHA hockey, with people of differing lifestyles and hockey skills has made me more patient, tolerant, open-minded and respectful, traits that carry me forward off the ice as well.

Madison Gay Hockey Association

SeasonTeamGoalsAssistsPenalty MinutesP
2024-2025Pineapples Under The Sea131.51
2023-2024Under the Sea3600
2022-2023Orange Crush6500
2019-2020Wild Things7200
2018-2019Maroony Tunes401.51
2017-2018Black Sheep481.51
2016-2017The New Black631.51
2015-2016Skate, Forrest, Skate741.51
2013-2014The Team Formerly Known as Purple Reign1100