14 Matt Twombly

Current Team
Peppermint Patties
Madison, WI Area
MGHA Member MGHA Member
Recruiting Recruiting

Player Bio

Grew up in Sun Prairie, moved to Sauk Prairie mid sophomore year of H.S. where I played on the varsity hockey and tennis teams there. Currently I live in Madison with my fiance Alanna and our 2 cats. I am a Union Electrician with local 159 out of Madison, Wi.

Madison Gay Hockey Association

SeasonTeamGoalsAssistsPenalty MinutesP
2024-2025Peppermint Patties5300
2023-2024Déjà Blue801.51
2022-2023Jurassic Puck8532
2021-2022Magic School Bus2771.51

MGHA Classic Tournament

SeasonTeamGoalsAssistsPenalty MinutesP
2023It’s FUCHSIA!
2022White Noise