MGHA Preseason Primer 2024-2025

Welcome to the MGHA preseason primer – this post explains all of the things you need to know and do for the 2024-2025 season.

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New to MGHA? Click here learn some of the terminology!

This section is designed to help those unfamiliar with the MGHA get familiar with some of our terms.

Off-Ice Orientation: Those who are new to the MGHA must attend one of these sessions. We cover the expectations of being a player in the MGHA.

Clinics: These learning opportunities focus on skills and drills and are usually led by a volunteer coach.

Scrimmages: Less structured than regular games, no keeping score and (usually) no referees. Teams are split by jersey color (bring a light and dark) and there are no set positions. As a player comes off the ice, they shout the position they’re playing and the next person on the bench fills that spot.

Skill Evaluations: To make fair and balanced teams, we need to know the skill levels of our players. These ARE NOT tryouts – everyone will be on a team. These are used to assign everyone a skill level for team creation and to inform captains on subs relative skill. They are not perfect and they can change over the year. 

Click here to learn about changes to 2024-2025 evaluations.

Based on feedback from last year, evaluations are no longer mandatory for some returning players. If you do not believe your skill has changed from last season and if you do not fall into one of the required groups, you are not required to be evaluated, though you may attend and be re-evaluated if you wish.

Evaluations are required for the following groups:

  • New MGHA players
  • Goalies
  • Players moving from a lower level to a higher one (L1 to L2, L2 to L3)
  • Players who feel they have gotten better or worse since last season’s evaluations and want to be re-evaluated
  • Players returning to the MGHA after more than a year away from the league

Please use your best judgement. If you believe your skill has changed, please plan to attend the evaluation session. Remember, accurate evaluations help us create balanced teams.

  • L1 prospective skaters will be evaluated using skills stations.
    • ACTION: Sign up for skills stations on September 29th or October 6th.
    • Skills in focus; skating basics, balance/body control, puck handling, passing, and shooting.
  • L2 prospective skaters will be evaluated using skills stations and an observed scrimmage.
    • ACTION: Sign up for skills stations AND an evaluation scrimmage on September 29th or October 6th.
    • Skills in focus; L1 skills plus control during acceleration, stopping, tight turns / edge work, puck control under pressure and in traffic, play-making, and goal-scoring.
  • L3 prospective skaters will be evaluated at an observed scrimmage.
    • ACTION: Sign up for a evaluation scrimmage on September 29th or October 6th.
    • Skills in focus are; All skills above, plus positional awareness and inclusive play in a safe, controlled way during a faster paced game with more traffic.

ACTIONS (Do These Now!): USAH #, Pay Fees, Update Profile Fields

The following items must be completed in order to play in the MGHA. Please go through each of the ACTION items in red below and confirm that you’ve completed them as soon as possible.

  1. USA Hockey Registration

Before you can set foot, err… skate on the ice for the upcoming season, you need to be registered with USA Hockey.  We do this for liability reasons to protect those in our league. Online sign up is easy, cost depends on your age, and take your time to understand the liability policy.

ACTION: Click here to register for USA Hockey and add your # to your profile: required BEFORE you take the ice.

2. League Fees

Fees are $365 this year: a $100 deposit earlier this summer plus the remainder of $265 to be paid before taking the ice, both are noted in your personal website Player Account page when you’re signed in.

The MGHA is committed to making hockey accessible to all members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and funds are available to provide financial assistance to players in need. If you need assistance, please complete our financial assistance form.  If you have any questions, please contact Gene (MGHA Treasurer) at

ACTION: Pay the remainder of your League Fees Here:

3. Player Account, Settings and Logistics

To herd ‘ye cats, we need you to tell us a few things in your Player Account fields.

  1. Log into the website > Go to your Account page
  2. Navigate the menu to review Settings, Logistics, etc. to make sure your fields are true;
    • REQUIRED fields:
      1. USA Hockey #
      2. Emergency contact
      3. Preferred level – L1, L2, L3, or a combination.
        • You can change this field up until early October. Stay tuned on an exact date.
      4. T-Shirt size
      5. Hockey jersey size
    • RECOMMENDED fields:
      • Personal info: Photo, name/nickname, pronouns, hometown, bio
      • Submissions for Must-play-with (i.e. rideshare), Would-like-to-play-with (i.e. friends), and Would-not-feel-safe-playing-with requests to direct team creation.
      • Hockey Operations Volunteer Role Preferences for the year

ACTION: Update your Player Account:


Use this schedule as a jumping-off point to sign up for a session each week. Details and instructions are also on each signup page.

September 8: New Player Orientation, Clinics

  • 3:30 – 4:30 PM New Player Orientation
    • If you’re new to the MGHA, you must attend one of our off-ice orientation sessions.
  • 5:00 – 6:00 PM New to Skating, New to Hockey Clinic
    • For those who are brand new to our league who have never played hockey before. We’ll have coaches and helpers to make sure you succeed. I promise… we’ve got you!

ACTION: Sign up for sessions:

September 15th: New Player Orientation, Scrimmages, Clinics

  • 4:30 – 5:30 PM: L2 Scrimmage
  • 5:00 – 6:00 PM: New-to-Skating / New-to-Hockey Clinic
    • For those who are brand new to our league who have never played hockey before. We’ll have coaches and helpers to make sure you succeed. We’ve got you!
  • 5:40 – 6:40 PM: L2 Scrimmage
  • 6:10 – 7:10 PM: New Player Orientation
    • If you’re new to the MGHA, you must attend one of our off-ice orientation sessions.
  • 6:10 – 7:10 PM: L2-L3 Small Space Drills
    • Skills and drills designed and led by experienced skaters.
  • 6:50 – 7:50 PM: L1 Returning Player Scrimmage
  • 7:20 – 8:20 PM: L3 Scrimmage

ACTION: Sign up for Sept 15th here:

September 22nd: Evaluations, Clinics, Scrimmages

IMPORTANT CHANGE: Evaluations are now only required for ALL NEW MGHA players, ALL GOALIES, and ANYONE moving up a level. Read the drop-down at the top of this post for more. Otherwise, you can opt into be re-evaluated by signing up or join preseason without being evaluated.

  • 5:00 – 6:00 PM: L3 Evaluation Scrimmage
    • Required for new-to-MGHA and level-change players who want to skate in L3.
    • We only have a few of players to be evaluated, so some spots are available for all L3 players.
  • 5:10 – 6:10 PM: Clinic: New-to-Skating / New-to-Hockey
    • For skaters who are new to skating or new to hockey, led by experienced coaches.
  • 6:10 – 7:40 PM: Goalie Evaluations
    • Required for all goalies.
    • Specific start times will be assigned on email.
    • Asking for 10-15 experienced shot-takers to help.
  • 6:20 – 7:20 PM: L2 Clinic
    • Led by coaches, learn skills for L2 play.
  • 7:30 – 8:30 PM: L1/L2 Clinic
    • Led by coaches, learn skills for L1/L2 play.
  • 7:50 – 8:50 PM: L2/L3 Blended Scrimmage
    • For skaters comfortable skating safely at a faster speed.
  • 8:40 – 9:40 PM: L1 Clinic
    • Led by coaches, learn skills for L1 play.

ACTION: Sign up for Sept 22nd here:

September 29: Evaluations and Scrimmages

IMPORTANT CHANGE: Evaluations are now only required for ALL NEW MGHA players, ALL GOALIES, and ANYONE moving up a level. Read the drop-down at the top of this post for more. Otherwise, you can opt into be re-evaluated by signing up or join preseason without being evaluated.

  • 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM: L3 Evaluation Scrimmage
    • Required for new-to-MGHA and level-change players who want to skate in L3.
  • 5:40 PM – 6:10 PM: L2 Evaluation Skills Stations
    • Please plan to attend this session AND the accompanying scrimmage for L2 evaluations.
  • 6:10 PM – 7:10 PM: L1 Evaluation Skills Stations
  • 6:20 PM – 7:20 PM: L2 Evaluations Scrimmage
    • Please plan to attend this session AND the accompanying skills stations for L2 evaluations.
  • 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM: L1 Scrimmage
    • NOT evaluations, all L1 skaters are welcome.

ACTION: Sign up for Sept 29th here:

October 6th: Evaluations and Scrimmages

IMPORTANT CHANGE: Evaluations are now only required for ALL NEW MGHA players, ALL GOALIES, and ANYONE moving up a level. Read the drop-down at the top of this post for more. Otherwise, you can opt into be re-evaluated by signing up or join preseason without being evaluated.

  • 5:00 – 6:00 PM: L1/L2 Player Skills Evaluation
    • Required for new-to-MGHA players and level-change players.
    • For L2, plan to attend this session AND the L2 evaluation scrimmage at 6:20.
  • 5:10 – 6:10 PM: L3 Scrimmage
  • 6:10 – 7:10 PM: New-to-Hockey Scrimmage
    • For skaters who are new to skating or new to hockey, led by experienced coaches.
  • 6:20 – 7:20 PM: L2 Evaluations Scrimmage
    • Please plan to attend this session AND the accompanying skills stations for L2 evaluations.
  • 7:20 – 8:20 PM: L1/L2 Blended Scrimmage

ACTION: Sign up for Oct 6th here:

October 13th: Scrimmages

NOTE: Bring a light and dark jersey to scrimmages. You can sign up for a side but may have to switch sides to balance rosters.

  • 5:00 – 6:00 PM: L3 Scrimmage
  • 5:10 – 6:10 PM: L2 Scrimmage
  • 6:10 – 7:10 PM: L2/L3 Blended Scrimmage
  • 6:20 – 7:20 PM: L1 Scrimmage
    • For both new and returning players.
  • 7:20 – 8:20 PM: L1 Scrimmage
    • For both new and returning players.
  • 7:30 – 8:30 PM: Flex Ice Time
    • Overflow time, check back for updates.

ACTION: Sign up for Oct 13th here:

October 20th: Scrimmages and Team Reveal

It’s team reveal night where we announce teams and celebrate!

NOTE: All players are welcome these level based scrimmages to skate together *before* we split into teams. We encourage you to be there on time <3 and will post rosters on the website *after* these events.

  • 4:30 – 5:30 PM: L1 Scrimmage
  • 5:10 – 6:10 PM: L2 Scrimmage
  • 5:40 – 6:40 PM: L1 Scrimmage
  • 6:20 – 7:20 PM: L3 Scrimmage
  • 7:30 – 8:30 PM: Team Reveal (off-ice)
    • The entire league will be together to announce rosters and meet your team IRL.
  • 8:30 – 9:30 PM: L2/L3 Scrimmage
    • Grab some pizza, snag a spot on the bleachers to bond with new teammates and cheer for players on the ice!

ACTION: Sign up for Team Reveal and Scrimmages here:

October 27th and November 3rd: Team Skills Practices

Team-focused practices to develop skills that will prepare us all the season AND have fun on the ice together. Details and schedule will be shared soon!

November 10: First Official Games

It’s game time, baby! Regular season games start! The schedule will be revealed during the preseason on the Team Schedules website page.

In Closing…

That’s it! Please complete all of the action items above, get your USA Hockey #, pay your fees, then you will be able to sign up for preseason. We can’t wait to see you on the ice!

Need help? If anything is missing or confusing on this post, please notify and we’ll help you out.