First and foremost:
We’re planning on expanding to a second rink in DeForest on Sunday nights next season. We discussed this at the Town Hall earlier this month and voted on the proposal (90.2% in favor).
The majority of games will still be at L20 Middleton (fka Cap Ice), but everyone will play some games in DeForest. In addition to letting us expand by (at least) 4 teams, it will also let us get rid of the late-late time slot.
We’re looking to get an idea of which levels to expand next year. As part of that, we want to ask early – if you are planning on playing next season, what skill level do you want to play at? This doesn’t secure your spot (paying the deposit when it becomes available secures your spot), but it does help us with planning. I cleared out everybody’s answer for “Which of our skill based leagues would you prefer to play in this season?“, so please fill that in again for next season.
The request – tell us your skill level preference:
OK, on to other stuff.
Town Hall highlights:
- The league is mostly running smoothly this season.
- Our finances are in a good spot, we’re working on the 501c issue.
- We’ll have summer ice (skills + clinics) from June – August.
- We’re putting together a Player’s Handbook outlining the MGHA Way across all skill levels.
- We’re decided to do a “career fair” and a potluck at championship night (next Sunday!!).
- The Wisconsin Historical Society wants objects from the MGHA.
- We’re considering getting tournament jerseys (to lend to folks when people from the MGHA play in other tournaments).
In case you’re interested in further reading, here are some notes:
-Kriona, on behalf of the board