Author: Christina Libs

pacing myself to play hockey for the next 70 years

MGHA Super Sunday February 12th

Super Schedule: (sign up below)

  • Rink A – 5PM – L1/L2 Scrimmage
  • Rink B – 5:30PM – Intermediate Scrimmage
  • Rink A – 6:10PM – Small Space Skills
  • Rink A – 7:20PM – L2/L3 Scrimmage
  • Rink A – 8:30PM – Overflow Ice – if enough people sign up for this, we’ll pay for the ice and hold an intermediate scrimmage or open ice time to practice and record skills.

2/12 Super Scrimmage and Skills Sign Ups

You must log in to sign up.

MGHA Sunday February 12th – Super Scrimmages, Skills, and Potluck Sign Up

Hey you – we don’t have regular games this weekend due to the super bowl, but we’ll have scrimmages, skills time and a potluck at the rink! 

Scrimmages: Sign up for one scrimmage at the level of play where you are most comfortable. We intentionally have two scrimmages blending levels of play – if you are in L1 and want to try L2, or in L2 and want to try L3, we recommend signing up for the blended scrimmage. Higher level players are expected to actively support all player development. Use these mixers to learn how others skate and adjust your play to include everyone.

Small Space Skills: This is free-form time, but coaches may sign up and lead small space skills and drills. Goalies may also assemble some drills and ask skaters for support. We will let you know if more structure is added :).

Super Sunday Schedule – Sign Up Sheet Here:

  • Rink A – 5PM – L1/L2 Scrimmage
  • Rink B – 5:30PM – Intermediate Scrimmage
  • Rink A – 6:10PM – Small Space Skills
  • Rink A – 7:20PM – L2/L3 Scrimmage
  • Rink A – 8:30PM – Overflow Ice – if enough people sign up for this, we’ll pay for the ice and hold an intermediate scrimmage or open ice time to practice and record skills.

Potluck sign up here!

Let us know if you have questions. See you on the ice soon! 

Libs, MGHA Secretary

MGHA News – January 2023

The Forward Theater Company is our MGHA January Sponsor – their first production of the year is Airness, opening 1/26. Check out their 2022-23 Season Show line up to coordinate a group / team outing today!

#SafetyFirstand always foremost reading for your hearts and heads this year.

In the MGHA, we commit to safety in the way we play and support one another’s growth through play in our community. Thanks to recently shared knowledge and individual feedback, we created a new home for important information and resources. 

Please read the new /Safety website page. It’s all about;

  • Rules about required equipment* – strap in your chin, wear real shoulder pads, protect your pelvis
  • Automated External Defibrillator AED – life-saving medical device in the lobby
  • Concussions – a real, ongoing concern in our sport

*The MGHA follows USA Hockey rules. If you notice an equipment issue or inconsistency, you may notify the skater or a leader to quickly resolve and prevent injury. If players refuse to adhere to the rules, they can be penalized by refs and/or benched by a captain. If a player doesn’t have the proper equipment, they should contact their mentor or league leader to request assistance.

New Safety website page:

And now, a couple reminders for tasks, based on your role in the league. 


  1. Fill out the midseason survey [in your email]
  2. Sign up to sub on the Schedule page. This doesn’t commit you to that game, rather captains will see your interest and have more flexibility to fill in roster spots on Sundays. You can sub/skate outside of your official level.
  3. If you use it, remove and re-install your calendar sync. We have a few schedule changes, and as the website calendar is updated, the sync needs a manual reset by you.
    • Specifically 2/26 – Jurassic Puck v Freshmakers is now at 5:00PM, Orange Crush + BSOD Practice is moved to 9:10PM.


  1. Attend midseason captains meeting [link to vote on time – doodle]. Agenda: operational reminders, coaching survey results, breakout discussion for levels of play and what captains can/should do for the remainder of the season.
  2. Organize (or delegate organizing) a team social or bonding event. Make a plan to use your stipend.


  1. If you’ve coached at all, fill out the midseason Coaches survey
  2. Attend coaches midseason meeting [link to vote on time – doodle]. Agenda: operational reminders, coaches survey results, discussion of what’s going well and adjustments for next year.


  1. [non MGHA] Sunday, January 15th Boardslide LGBTQ+ Pride Ride register by Monday Jan 9th, see email for details about snowboarding/skiing/tubing
  2. Thursday, January 19th – Badgers Women’s Basketball Pride night event – see upcoming email to help staff a table for the MGHA
  3. Friday, February 3rd – Fill the Bowl Social, Section 217, Kohl Center
  4. (non MGHA) Saturday at 11AM, February 11th – Tenney Park, see locker room email to sign up
  5. Friday, February 24th – Drag Turnabout Fundraiser for the MGHA Classic Tournament, see email for details

That’s all (for now) folks! You can reach out to the board individually via email at any time to make the next #News post.

Stay safe, and see you tonight!

MGHA Sunday November 27th – Thanksgiving Scrimmages and Potluck Social


We don’t have regular games this weekend, but we’ll have scrimmages and a potluck at the rink! 

Scrimmages: Sign up for one scrimmage at the level of play where you are most comfortable. We’ll send a follow-up email to encourage additional signups later in the week if our numbers are low for any of these slots.

Log in and sign up for scrimmages here:

  • 4:30 – 5:30 – Low Intermediate Scrimmage
  • 5:00 – 6:00 – High Intermediate Scrimmage
  • 6:10 – 7:10 – Advanced Scrimmage
  • 7:10 – 7:20 – Goalie Game! A 10-minute, all-out, all-goalie extravaganza! Gene is organizing.
  • 7:30 – 8:25 – Beginner Scrimmage
  • 8:35 – 9:30 – One more Intermediate Scrimmage!

Potluck: If you’re interested in snacking and socializing between scrimmages, we’ll have an informal potluck upstairs (in the bar area if it’s open). Bring a dish, a drink, a snack, your leftovers, or just come eat and hang out with us! Sign-up here with more instructions. If you remember, bring your own tupperware and cutlery to dish up your potluck plate—less waste is great! We’ll have some paper plates and napkins at the rink as well. 

Volunteers: we need a few extra hands to help with set-up and take down of the potluck and closing up the rinks. Please add your name to the list here if you can help out!

Let us know if you have questions. See you back on the ice soon! 

Greta, on behalf of HOPs // Social

11/27 Thanksgiving Scrimmage Sign Up

You must log in to sign up.

MGHA Sunday November 27th, Thanksgiving Scrimmage Sign Ups

Rink B Schedule

  • 4:30 – 5:30 – Low Intermediate Scrimmage

Rink A Schedule

  • 5:00 – 6:00 – High Intermediate Scrimmage
  • 6:10 – 7:10 – Advanced Scrimmage
  • 7:10 – 7:20 – Goalie Game! A 10-minute, all-out, all-goalie extravaganza! Gene is organizing.
  • 7:30 – 8:25 – Beginner Scrimmage
  • 8:35 – 9:30 – One more Intermediate Scrimmage!

11/27 Thanksgiving Scrimmage Sign Up

You must log in to sign up.

MGHA News for Sunday, November 4th: Our First Game Day Schedule + Reminders to Read

This Sunday is a celebration – of new hockey players and new leaders practicing personal growth and discovering their team’s uniqueness, and of old friends and returning alumni reuniting in joyful moments on metal blades where we find balance, turn ice into snow, turn ourselves to see, catch, release a rubber biscuit across painted lines.

Returning folk – we know that this hockey is a special sport with care-filled rules and never-ending physical challenge. We show up to the MGHA as care-filled humans with emotional abilities, willing to step into the challenge of serving ourselves and each other.

New folk – you are learning MGHA ways. You are of equal importance in designing mood and rituals on and off the ice. Today, we celebrate you officially in competition and growth with us.

This Sunday, we welcome all – skaters, volunteers, friends, family – to join us in person at the arena.


Skaters should read everything below to understand what you need to do and know for MGHA game days. As always, please connect with a leader (captain, coach, mentor, board member) to get answers and clarifications.

1. Schedule

This Schedule Page will always have the latest information, updated with website magic.

How to sub: 

1. Check the “I want to sub:” box on the Schedule page to sign up to sub *BEFORE* 11AM on Sundays for your name to be included in the automatic email sent to captains with sub recommendations.

2. Both game captains review and select subs to ensure game balance and equitable subbing.

3. Players are contacted by captains on Sunday between 12PM and game time to confirm sub.

4. Players check in with the scorebox to add their name, number to capture accurate stats.

Read more about Subbing on the website.

From the Schedule page, you can click the game date and time (“11/6 6:10 PM”) from this page to go to any unique Game Page.

Game Pages (below: orange-black-11-6-22) show rosters, absences, scorebox shifts, and potential subs. When you sign up to sub, you will see your name appear on the bottom of the page.

2. Locker Room Reminders

  • We request captains and leaders state these in person in the locker room before each first game – please and thanks!
  • Review our Concussion discussion page
  • The MGHA is an adult only (18+) league, and for this reason, children are never allowed or permitted into the locker room as it is a space where adults may be changing. We ask that all fans, family, and honored guests meet with players in publicly sanctioned spaces (lobby, Eagle’s nest, bleachers, etc). 
  • For Positive Covid case reporting process
    • Were you likely contagious on Sunday? Did you test positive on or before Tuesday following games?
      • If no, no need to inform MGHA. 
      • If yes, then 
        • Did you spend 30+ minutes in common areas AND/OR were you within 6 ft of more than 3 people outside your household? 
          • If yes to either, then notify a league leader or email and we will notify both teams for your game and a broader group depending on your specific situation. 
    • We will keep individual cases anonymous to the best of our ability and inform exposures based on location, i.e. on the ice or in the locker room vs. common areas.
  • We have one medical kit available per rink, attached to puck bags. Please check and update your account page with medical contact info in case of emergency.

3. Game Day Duties

Every skater is assigned ~3 off-ice shifts to support game day processes – everyone has a role. If you aren’t on the Board, HOPs, or a Coach, you will be assigned a General Scorebox shift.

  • General Scorebox
    • Any skater, 3 people per game, 336 total shifts
    • Responsible to keep time, stats, and music flowing for game play
  • HOps on Duty
    • Staffed by HOps and Board members
    • Located in the Scorebox during games
    • Support captains and coaches off the ice and across the benches
    • Answer questions from General Scorebox helpers
    • Available to leave the Scorebox to support around the arena, access to orange box for resources
    • 4 shifts per night, 4 different people, 52 total shifts
      • Opening shift prints score sheets, opens box, drops off pucks, and supports 1st game on Rink B
      • Rink B Middle shift supports second and third rink B games
      • Rink A Middle shift supports first and second rink A games
      • Closing shift supports third and fourth games on rink A
  • Coaches
    • Supports L1 captains to coach players, answer questions, and inform game strategy from the bench
    • Coaches individual players as they request it
    • Help lead L1 clinics with support from captains input from team and skater needs
    • Supports L2 captains on the bench as they request
    • This week starts with Jane, Michelle, Bri and Gene.

4.  It’s a great day for hockey! Wear your jerseys, hang out with new and old friends, opponents, congratulate and celebrate together. 

Extra Credit

Do You Know Nolan?

Nolan is our Cap Ice Rink Manager for Sunday nights. When you see him tending to the precious Zamboni and rinks this season – please thank him for his support. He’s excitable and helpful – you can wave to him as he drives the Zamboni and hustles around on foot.

Nolan Wants You to Know:

1. Nets have a special place on the rink while the Zamboni does its job (see visual below). On game days, refs move nets to their Zamboni-time home. During all other ice times, when Nolan prepares to come onto the ice, you can help set the nets into their temporary Zamboni-time home. 

2. Rink B is a lil Broken. Rink boards and doors are awaiting full repair and replacement parts. Please be patient and exercise caution around the boards, especially near the Rink B Zamboni door and skater-entry doors, as a number of players have broken sticks in the past 1.5 years. Cap Ice is actively working on this, and Nolan is merely a messenger of higher powers.

Nets belong on the blue lines – after a first pass by the Zamboni.

MGHA News: Team Reveal Night scrimmages and pizza

New Scrimmage Available:

We’ve added a 5th scrimmage to Sunday’s events. Sign up for the new 8:15 PM Scrimmage, just after the 7:30 off-ice team reveal and photos. This scrimmage will be open for all levels, just like in past years where the MGHA had just one league. As this is a last minute add – if we don’t get ~14 skaters, we will not hold the scrimmage.

Chip in for Pizza:

If you want pizza, chip in what you can by paying Mason [see email for detail] or bring cash to drop in the lobby table. The board will cover excess cost.

MGHA Craft/Goods Table:

We will have a table with MGHA merchandise / crafts / swag in the lobby. Stop by to gear up!

MGHA News: Tasks for October 8th, 2022

1. Required: Finalize your level(s) preference on your account by Monday, October 10th.

We are committed to placing you in a level of your choice, yet we may request you a level shift to maintain safety, skills balance, and roster size. Today, we feel able to place 95%+ of our skaters within their preferences. Read more about the 3 league levels here.

Note: the 11 skills evaluated this year are new data points taken into consideration for team creation. These are not the only factors used to determine which level you play in this season.

2. Optional: Submit Must-play-with, Do-not-feel-safe-playing-with, Would-like-to-play-with requests here – by Monday, October 10th.

‘Must’ and ‘Do-not-feel-safe’ requests will be used to create teams. ‘Would-like’ requests will be considered. We have many of these requests to process, so please consider what you need vs. want and include relevant details on the request form as you wish.

Did you know? The MGHA Emails website page has all the individual role email addresses and all group listservs. When captains and teams are announced, you will be added based on your role and be able to communicate within those new listservs. Click the link and learn more for extra-special credit.

Next: We are working to add email contacts for the newly formed BIPOC@, Sponsorship@, and Photography@ groups so y’all can reach out to join, make a request, send an idea, etc. Until then, you can connect with Laur R., Gene Z., or Christina L., respectively.


MGHA Board, via Christina’s keyboard

MGHA News: 2022 Preseason Signups Available

Hi y’all!

After two great new-to-MGHA player weeks of preseason, we’re ready to welcome ALL players to the ice for four weeks of fun. Below is a copy of the MGHA Schedule website page.

MOST IMPORTANT: On ice evaluations and off ice orientation sessions are REQUIRED for everyone this year. Please notice the difference in timeline for goalies (9/25) and skaters (10/2, make ups on 10/9). If you cannot attend, please contact a hockey ops or board member so we can capture your wonderful skills for team formation in another way.

Thanks for your warmth, welcoming and attention to preseason details!

Christina Libs, Web Secretary of the MGHA Board


MGHA Schedule of Events

Sunday, September 25th

Clinics and REQUIRED Goalie Evaluations – sign up  here

NEW PLAYER SOCIAL: Friday, September 23rd – 6-9pm – Delta Beer Lab

We picked this time as it worked for the MOST new players, yet the invite is open for ALL members, fans and players to join and socialize together. You can bring your own food into Delta, buy a pizza, and support Delta as one of our sponsors. There is an outdoor patio and indoor games. Wear your MGHA gear and let’s welcome everyone to another season! Contact Nat Carlston or Christina Libs with any questions or suggestions for the time together.

Sunday, October 2nd

REQUIRED Skater Evaluations and Off-Ice Orientation – sign up here

Sunday, October 9th

Scrimmages, Make-up Skater Evaluation and Off-Ice Orientation – sign up here

Sunday, October 16th

Team Reveal Night Scrimmages – Sign up here