Author: Amanda Thornton

2022-2023 Essays: What Madison Gay Hockey Means to Me

Now that the season is over and we’re all a little sad to not be seeing our teams and friends on the regular, it’s time to reflect on what hockey has meant to us as individuals. We all are changed in some way by being a part of this league and community. Writing and sharing our experiences helps others learn and grow and new players see a potential path for themselves into hockey and the LGBTQIA* community. Our Lives Magazine runs an essay contest on this subject each season and the winner gets published in the magazine as well as their dues waived for next season.

All are encouraged to write an essay. All 2022-2023 league participants are eligible for this contest (except previous winners). Essay length is not set, take as many or few words as you need to speak from the heart.

More explanation of this as well as previous essays can be found here

If you only read one essay, I recommend Geoffrey’s essay from 2008

Last year’s winner, Dexter Lane, in Our Lives Magazine

Fun factoid: these essays are what someone at the NHL found and fell in love with and got them here to make a video about us. Oh, didn’t know the NHL made a video about us?

Please send your essay submission to Amanda Thornton. Essays will be read and voted on by members of the current board and captains who do not enter this year’s contest.

Deadline is April 16th!

2022-2023 MGHA All the Way Award Winners

Here are your 2022-2023 MGHA All the Way Award Winners and the nice things their teams had to say about them.

Cookie Monsters: Gwen Kay
Gwen is always showing up every week with a smile on her face and a fire in her heart. She gives everything she’s got to help defend our team and plays in the MGHA way.

Sith Happens: Liz Stadtmueller
Liz is always pumped up and positive in the locker room. She is very communicative on the ice and gives her all during games.

Liz is such a positive force on the ice. She’s cheering for everyone and providing feedback in the huddles. She is always talking to Suzanne about where the puck is, she’s kind of a goalie whisperer.

Queer Lime Pie: Angela Trentadue

Angela is super fun, spirited, and kind. I always enjoy chatting with her in the locker room, the bench, and skating on the ice. Angela is an Absolute can do hockey player, fun on the ice and in the locker room. Supportive and caring, an all-around excellent player!

The IncREDibles:  Jules Shatten
Jules had a fantastic first season with the MGHA—their spirit, enthusiasm, and hunger for hockey came through in every moment on the ice, and they brought their giant smile and great questions to the locker room every week. Jules is truly IncREDible!

Assembly Required: FL Morris
FL completely embodies the spirit of the MGHA, and is one of the best examples of a “rising L1” player that I can think of. They are engaged in team emails, always responding and keeping the positive spirits alive before big games and practices!

On the ice, they are lightning quick, but take time to play inclusively, skate in control, and pass often to their teammates. In the locker room, if they’re passing out apples from their apple orchard, or cheering on fellow teammates for a job well done—they embody the MGHA way in every aspect of their interaction with the league.

This was FL’s first year playing hockey with MGHA. She really got into it, asking lots of questions, subbing up to L2 games and skating hard every week. She was also a great asset off the ice, offering encouragement and tips from things she had learned. I hope to be able to play with her again in the future.

FL is a team player through and through, and while it’s hard to choose someone from a whole team of hard working and enthusiastic people, I think she stands out for this award. She’s worked hard to be our defense this season, and she’s always on top of communication and lifting the team up.

FL has been an awesome team remember who has always been super encouraging and kind all season. This is her first year playing hockey and she always has a good attitude and has fun and is nice to everyone! FL always had a positive and encouraging attitude in the locker room and shared helpful advice and suggestions during our practices and games.

Orange Crush: Casey Kautzmann
Casey jumped into her first year with great enthusiasm. She obviously loves the game of hockey and often does outside skating during the week, and you can tell by how much she’s improved in terms of passing, skating, and shooting the puck. She helps contribute to the super great vibes on Orange Crush by playing music in the locker room too!

Casey worked hard on the ice and was always positive in the locker room. She arranged social and hockey gatherings outside of MGHA time, and was always eager to learn new things.

She did her best to make every game, cheered loud on the bench, always brought the warmup tunes, and put in work outside of the league.

Always gives a full effort and brings energy to the bench

H2-Ohhhhh’s! Christina Libs

Libs is always so encouraging and has such a positive attitude at every game! She always does her best to make sure everyone feels included both on and off the ice. The way her (and Gabby) handled some sensitive situations with our team this year was with a lot of respect and maturity, much better than I would have handled them. It’s an honor being her teammate and having her as my captain!

Libs always has a positive attitude on and off the ice and is always encouraging us to play our best and have fun. Christina’s been a terrific captain, mentor, and pal — she’s upbeat, organized, involved, and has done a great job as a leader on the team. To my eyes, she does a great job of embodying what MGHA’s all about!

Freshmakers: Justin Sukup
Justin gives 100% and always has a positive attitude. He shows up every week and always supports the entire team. At the beginning of the season, Justin requested that everyone submit there favorite songs. He then created a team playlist that he plays before games, on the bench, and after games in the locker room. Justin is also incredible on the ice. He is a great team player and has contributed to many goals either as assists or on his own. He always plays the MGHA way and looks for the positive in times of frustration. In addition, Justin makes time to socialize after our games, encouraging camaraderie and supporting the league. Justin deserves the MGHA award!

The Heartthrobs! Maddy McKeown
Maddy is always fun, fast, and fabulous! Maddy is a wonderful captain, teammate, and all-around human. They communicate openly with our team, and other captains. They celebrate the accomplishments of their leaguemates, and advocate for equity on and off ice. They’re a wicked defender, and truly embody the MGHA way by adjusting their level of play, and encouraging safety and inclusion.

Jurassic Puck: Anna Johnson
Anna always has a positive attitude on and off the ice. On the ice, Anna uses her knowledge from coaching the D7 Oregon Dread Pirates team to propelle herself on the ice with knowledge and skills that she used to help her teammates. Anna is a talented baker and enjoys providing treats to her team. She is always prepared, organized, and willing to support her team and friends with whatever they ask of her. She truly embodies what it means to be the MGHA Way.

Anna is fantastic and lovely and always at the rink even when she can’t play. She’s made real strides (ha) in her confidence and play and is an excellent team player!

Goth Darn It! Joe Stella
Gene is our team’s biggest cheerleader. He’s always willing to help, offering advice, and volunteering his time. His passion for the sport, the team, and this league is awesome!

Blue Screen of Death: Laur Rivera
Laur is not only a fantastic goalie, she leads us through so many fun games. Laur showed us a ton of skating skills and made skating fun. Her best team chant so far has been be gay, have fun, stay safe. Sounds very MGHA to me. Too bad she isn’t coming back next year 🙁

Laur has been an amazing captain, answering all questions with patience and humor, encouraging new and old players, and being there for everyone – in hockey and in life. She is positive and passionate in her leading from the goal. I want to be like Laur when I grow up!

Best Goalie and mentor I’ve met so far!

Man, goalies are weird and I think this one is defective. She keeps telling the other team to shoot on her. Laur gets really excited when someone scores on her and is always the first one to fish the puck out of the net and give it to a skater when it’s their first goal. When she skates out it’s so cool. I remember watching her score and wow she’s like a hockey Swiss army knife.

Just Ice: AJ McGuire
AJ brings a positive attitude to the locker room every week and I love sharing the bench with them. They can be counted on to make smart plays on the ice and helped me learn to play defense!

Additionally, despite injury, AJ came to our games, acting as Gate Guardian, offering energy and support to any that need it. The gung ho nature and generally just affable nature that AJ brings with them has a welcoming effect in the locker room and for the MGHA as a whole. AJ takes it all the way!

Squirtle Squad: Sophie Manak
Sophie’s always fun in the locker room and on the bench and she plays a good MGHA game.

Sophie not only brings her best self to the team and on the ice, she also finds encouraging ways to support our team at every game! She strives to make sure everyone is having a great time and that we’re all on the same game page!

Sunny Defense: Collen Kenney

Colleen has been a great teammate to play with in her first year in the MGHA. She stepped up from the beginning to play center, and has always been receptive to feedback and constantly looking to improve. On the ice she plays inclusively with our team working to make good plays, and on the bench she’s very spirited and supportive of her teammates.

Rubber Puckies: Bri Buhr

Bri always has a positive attitude on and off the ice. In the locker room they always provide a good pregame pep talk and make sure everyone is doing good! On the ice Bri is the best line mate who is always there to set up the perfect plays and the bench would be silent without her AMAZING cheers

Bri exemplifies MGHA hockey each week, both on the ice and off. She is always encouraging teammates and brings a smile to everyone she interacts with. She gives it her all on the ice, strives to improve each week and picks up fellow teammates when they are struggling. Her positive energy and playful sense of humor makes it truly a pleasure to have Bri has a teammate!

Bri is a positive force of nature. Her encouraging cheers and funky dance moves always makes games extra fun

USA Hockey Registration 2022

For liability reasons, all MGHA players must register with USA Hockey. Registration covers one year of play (September 1 to August 31).

IMPORTANT: You will NOT be allowed to step on the ice for skills clinic, practice, scrimmage, game, etc., without being registered with USA Hockey.

How to Register with USA Hockey

  1. Go to:
  2. Click the red “REGISTER NOW” button.
  3. For Registration Type, select “Ice Player/Coach.”
  4. Complete the form and include payment.
  5. You will receive a registration confirmation email with a confirmation # and bar code. Please enter your confirmation number on your account.

(Note: If you play in more than one league, you only need to register with USA Hockey once per season.)

Email with questions or concerns!

2021-2022 MGHA All the Way Award Winners

Here are your 2021-2022 MGHA All the Way Award Winners and the nice things their teams had to say about them.

End of the Rainbow: Sonny Graves
Watching Sonny’s debut as a goalie has been lots of fun and impressive. They always have an upbeat, positive attitude and their attitude is contagious. Sonny embodies what the MGHA is all about: the pure joy of playing the game of hockey in a friendly, positive, and supportive environment. They inspire me every week to be and do better. It’s a pleasure to be Sonny’s teammate this year!

The Necromancers: Mar Gosselar
Mar has been a phenomenal presence on the team, promoting team unity, compassion, and excitement. They’ve made our text chat a wholesome place and promoted a culture of caring for your teammates.

Skyfall: Peter Jones
Peter is our team cheerleader.  He always makes everyone feel like they have done their best. Peter has a positive, teamwork attitude that just makes people feel good! Whether from his kind words in the locker room, his silly “Get ‘em!” yells from the bench, or his screams & giggles on the ice when he wipes out, he is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face! Peter makes hockey fun and the overall MGHA experience special and memorable!

Green Eggs and WHAM!  Christy Churchill
Special message from Abby – I can’t think of anyone more well-suited for this award than my sibling, Christy. Their upbeat and positive attitude, even after a loss, was a critical fixture on our team. Throughout the season, they went out of their way to provide positive feedback to many members of our team after each game – they managed to observe individual players while in net AND make some wicked saves. In addition, their tremendous improvement over the season was inspiring to us all. Congrats, Christy, you deserve it!

Slippery When Wet: Bri “Fitzie” Fitzgerald
Fitzie always brings positive energy to games. From their willingness to play whatever position, to their friendliness to every teammate and sub who entered our locker room, to their attitude of “I feel like I have to sample the stick breaking in my next song” after a stick-breaking injury, Fitzie is the embodiment of positivity, and well deserving of the all-the-way award.

The Harvey Milks: Shiny!
Shiny is always a friendly and positive presence in the locker room and on the ice. He makes everyone feel welcomed on and off the ice. Shiny helped lead our practices and always has encouraging words for other players. He keeps a positive attitude on the ice and always looks for assists. He plays inclusively, supports his teammates, and always encourages folks to join him for post-game beverages!

The Fanta-Sticks! Sarah Johnson-Mehrkens
Sarah jumped in to play defense for the first time while learning new skills each week, and has continued to support the team from the bench!
Sarah has been an amazing asset to The Fanta-Sticks! showing flexibility, team spirit, and commitment to growth and learning.  When she was injured and it was clear that her season was over,  she put on a helmet and joined us on the bench,  providing coaching, encouragement, and cheers.  Even though she’s not physically with us on the ice,  she’s still with us 100% and we couldn’t be happier.  Sarah is totally MGHA All the Way!

The Abominable Snowpeeps: Alex Krajek
As a new player this year, Alex has fully immersed himself in the MGHA. He subs for multiple games, plays hard each week, and takes to heart any advice offered. His growth this year is absolutely amazing!

Caution! Trisha Adamus
Tricia exemplifies team spirit. She’s our team mom, always bringing snacks and making sure everyone feels comfortable. Trisha has an infectious enthusiasm for the game and for the league. She’s always inclusive, always modeling good sportsmanship, and she’s just a joy to play hockey with – exemplifying the MGHA way!

Sauce: Ames Barker
Ames has done an amazing job this season of leading by example, both on and off the ice.
Ames joined our team and immediately stepped into the role of mentor and took the time each week to help players learn. They are unselfish with the puck and have made it their goal of the season to try to be the supporting player and go for the assist first and foremost so as to get new players their first goal(s). Numerous times they have taken on tasks for the team and been an absolute support. They embody the league’s definition of the MGHA way. Our team is that much better whenever Ames is there to go All The Way!

The Red Flags: Gene Zadzilka
Gene is our team’s biggest cheerleader. He’s always willing to help, offering advice, and volunteering his time. His passion for the sport, the team, and this league is awesome!

Black Holes: Christina Libs
Captain Christina brought the encouragement, organization, and dance energy that made this season extra good—she went above and beyond to manage the challenges of balancing teams in L2, provided great feedback from the bench and recognized growth in teammates of all skill levels, and was calm and caring as we navigated the great unknowns of the pandemic (and deep space). Her organization of the super fun pond hockey tournament was top notch. She’s the holiest of the Black Holes!

Magic School Bus: Alanna Friscino
Alanna is always positive, promoting and accepting individuality. Alanna has been a wonderful teammate during her first season with MGHA. She is always excited to be on the ice and supports her teammates and captains with thoughtful advice and enthusiasm!

Violet Villains: Erica Fry
Erica has been an exemplary player on the Violet Villains all season. She always has wise and calming words for other players, both one on one and between periods to the team. She’s a smart player, level headed, and makes any line she’s on that much stronger.

MGHA Masking Policy Update for after March 13th 2022

TL;DR After March 13th games, mask policy update:

  • ON-ICE masks move to recommended/optional (barring a steep increase in cases or changes in CDC/PHMDC guidelines for Dane County). 
  • Keep masks on in the locker-room and in other areas of the rink.

Watching cases drop and the county take its masks off, we want to carefully consider our policies with regards to masks. We want to protect our most vulnerable players, we want to watch what happens with cases over the next two weeks, and we want to give everyone a sense of what will happen moving forward while also considering our players who find it difficult to play with a mask on. 

Starting after the March 13th games, we will update our mask requirement to masks recommended ON-ICE ONLY. This means one more game for each team with masks required on-ice (March 6th and March 13th are split due to ice availability). This is similar to the UW-Madison, MMSD, and MSCR timelines. If you need or want to keep your mask on-ice after March 13th, please do so. 

We will keep masks on in the locker room and lobby areas and in the Eagle’s Nest when not eating or drinking. Locker rooms are enclosed and have 10-15 of us in close proximity. The lobby can get crowded and people have to move through it to enter and exit the building. Our most vulnerable players do not have a choice of avoiding the lobby like they do for the Eagle’s Nest.

We are all in different places regarding risk and masks, as demonstrated by the survey results below. Please respect everyone’s comfort level and follow our policies. 

We will be carefully watching the PHMDC Covid dashboard and hopefully watching cases continue to decline. We will reconsider this policy if there is a steep increase in cases and cases go back over 100 per week (that is the line where PHMDC put the mask mandate in place last summer). 

Further info:

This content is available to members only. Please login or register to view this area.

Thank you to the 97 of you who responded to this question and to those who will complete the survey over the next few days We will publish the full results next week. 

MGHA 2021-2022 Town Hall Notes

This content is available to members only. Please login or register to view this area.

Brief board introduction and our acting roles

  • Amanda: Secretary 
  • Bront: Bront of all trades, registrar
  • Gene: treasurer, goalie wrangler
  • Ian: VP
  • Avery: President

Overview of other various league roles

   Hops, hops on duty, captains, mentors, members

  • Captains: Two per team, usually a hockey brain and a logistics brain
  • Mentors: get assigned to new players as a connection to the league
  • Members: next level of involvement after you complete a season and apply for membership. Gives you a voting stake for things like who is on the board, and allows you to run for the board. 
  • Goalies: we know what they do! Thank you goalies!
  • Sponsorships: focused on $$$ for outside sources
  • Hops: focused on logistics to play, team building/creation, ice rentals
  • Recruiting: recruits new players, assigns mentors
  • Website committee: helps build the website so Kriona doesn’t have to do it all by herself (thanks Kriona for all you do! #KrionaIsMagic)

Logistics (Tim):

  • Coming up in early March, the rink only will have one sheet of ice for MGHA to use. Luckily, we have 2 weeks of this, so we can split it up for one week of MGHA hockey over the course of two nights for all teams
    • March 6 – 4 games
    • March 13 – 3 games
  • After that, we’ll have 3 more games. 
    • As a reminder, April 3 is now a regular season game
  • April 10 is championship night
  • Times on April 10 will be a little different so we can make a little bit more time for folks to get together and spend time together
  • We’ll get everyone together for a group picture and then play a championship game

MGHA Classic Tournament (Parter):

  • MGHA Classic is our after season international hockey tournament hosted 4/29-5/1
  • It’s a great opportunity to bring folks from outside of our league and from around the country to spread the MGHA Way
  • Based on that principle, we have insisted that we mix players on teams so folks get to meet new people and exchange ideas
  • In terms of play, it is slightly more intense; you’re playing more games on one weekend and doing social events
    • Recreational division: slightly more intense than L1
    • Competitive division: slightly more elevated than L2
  • We do allow play-with requests, but not for a whole team
  • It’s the last weekend of April, registration is open
  • David H noted some issues with the registration in the cart not disappearing. If you are having issues with the cart, do let Gene and Kriona know.

Presidential Address – Avery 

  • This season has been a challenging one: lots of scheduling challenges, bumps in the road, and through it all we have been full of compassion and understanding. We’ve celebrated our first goals and spent time with our communities. We’ve not been without setbacks, but it has made the ups and downs worth it. Given the joy we see each Sunday, it makes all of the hours we put in worth it.


  • We had a brief period where there were no masks this summer, that changed as cases rose.
  • We started the season with about 125 cases per day 
  • Over time, we saw a huge huge huge spike
  • When we shifted to scrimmages, we were at around 1000 cases per day and 1400 in the second week
  • Today (2/22) we’re at about 140 per day
  • We’re still above where PHMDC had where they put it in place
  • Another piece of information is that UW is carrying their mandate until the 12th, which is the start of spring break
  • Comments:
    • Eric W: I am in favor that we can lift the requirement for masks on ice. Fine either way in lobby or in the nest so long as cases don’t escalate. Barring continuing cases, in favor of not requiring.
    • Ryan Z: Second Witte’s sentiment making them optional on the ice. Think it is reasonable in the lobby area if it was still required. Notably a lot of folks in the nest don’t really wear masks, so unsure if we should be super strict. Echo following the dates from the public health department and not making it mandatory on the ice.
    • Tim: When we started cases were around 100 or so, and surely they may go down in the next couple of weeks, but the cases are higher than when we had the mask mandate when we started in the fall. In addition, the fact we haven’t had many covid exposures is in part because of masks. Hockey is a sport where you’re breathing very heavily and really expelling those particles. If there are people in this league who are uncomfortable, and we started this season with masks in place, we should keep them in place. Sure, it’s more comfortable if we don’t wear masks, but we’ve been doing it for the whole season.
    • K8: Agree with Tim. On the personal level, we decided to play because masks were required. MGHA was treating this as we were taking every mitigation possible. Vaccines are great at keeping you out of the hospital, but it doesn’t entirely prevent you from getting it. We’ve been very lucky and very cautious, and it has been rewarded by not having teams all get covid when we’ve had an exposure. We all have a lot of feelings about this, but what it comes down to is that covid doesn’t care what feelings we have and two it’s a matter of protecting not only kit and myself but also the immunocompromised folks in the league. There are more folks in the league than people realize that are in this boat. This is the only way they can play hockey in a somewhat safe manner, and removing the masks may take away hockey from those folks.
    • Katie: I don’t think we started this year with the expectation that we were going to wear masks all season. We started the season that we were going to follow the mandates by the public health department. Where we are at now is a very different spot than when the season started. More folks have had covid, we now have required folks getting boosted, so we can’t say where we were when there were 100 cases. There are going to be more variants, and the question is where is the line? The case count is a somewhat arbitrary number, nothing changes between 100 and 98. What is it you all are waiting for without masks? The efficacy of the masks that we are wearing is very low. It goes down when they get wet. Sure we could continue to do it, but I’m not sure the benefit is there for the pain in the butt it has become.
    • Laur: I understand folks who say “why not.” The masks that we’re wearing are not that effective. I’ve seen teammates that can’t wear their masks properly, and this is especially a challenge when rinks don’t have the best ventilation. I don’t know what the line is to Katie’s point, but my biggest concern is for the players on the bench, even more than the eagle nest. As a goalie, I don’t skate as much, so I may have a different perspective. But the benches are very close and that is the reason why I am in support of wearing masks, but I don’t know where the line is.
    • Nora: Immunocompromised skater here. Yes, wearing masks sucks but I really appreciate the extra level of protection.
    • Ryan: we’re all coming from different places, and I thought Katie makes a good point. Covid is never going away, and it is never going to stop having new strains. Where do we draw the line? I also think it is important that we were very hard pressed to say we were following the health official rules, but now the requirements are decreasing, why are we not following it afterward? There are plenty of other leagues not requiring masks; there are plenty of players who are not wearing masks. Team trans tournament had no masks and there were no transmission. To k8’s point, we have seen a lot of folks who have had cases. We were very excited to follow the health official’s mandate before, but we should continue doing it now.
    • Nora: This is my first meeting. I am an immunocompromised skater, so it might be expected that my position may be more extreme. One of my biggest frustrations is this change of viewpoint from institutional care to personal responsibility. What the MGHA is saying is that if we remove masks, we’re not supporting those who are the most vulnerable. By including masks, we have the opportunity to show that we care about folks with disabilities.
    • Libs (from chat): I think *if* the mask mandate is actually lifted on March 1*** We should send a league survey to be completed by Thursday March 3rd, and the board makes a decision based on the entire league’s input. *** Data will drive the county’s decision and these things have changed a lot. I don’t think it’s worthwhile for our energy and relationships to argue about it until then.
    • Rob: Very compelling arguments on both sides. Katie and Ryan make great points, we followed Dane County health guidelines, why shouldn’t we continue to do that? There’s always going to be a new variant, when are we ever going to not wear masks? And I’m sick of wearing masks. But, the issue of protecting our most vulnerable players is very compelling. This pandemic has gone on so long because mitigation practices – masks, social distancing – have not been universally and quantitatively used by the populations. I look at it like how the NE Patriots how they deal with their aging players: they trade them a year early instead of a year late. I would rather have the masks, keep them 1-2 weeks past when we really need them as opposed to getting rid of them a week or two earlier than we should have. My proposal was to keep the masks until March 13, which is two weeks after the Dane county mandate. Then, we can look at the cases. The metric would not be a case number, but a trend; are they trending lower, flat, or are we seeing an increase? If they’re trending lower or flat, then I say we can lift ours. If they’re increasing, then we have to think about whether we want to keep them for the rest of the season.
    • Katie: If we go from 60 to 70 cases, does that mean we continue wearing masks when it’s below the arbitrary threshold of 100?
    • Rob: It’s a good point, but we would have to decide what kind of slope in a trend we’re comfortable with. Going from 50 to 75 is a 50% increase. Going from 50 to 250 is a five-fold increase. So I think the trend over time we would have to see. I don’t think it’s as gray of a broad area as you’re saying
    • Avery: We should do another survey. We shared the data, a majority said optional on ice or didn’t care. We’ve played games where we don’t wear them and there haven’t been big cases


  • Tim: I had a chance to talk about the reffing, talking about the refereeing, throughout the season. What we landed on was sending a reminder – not being nitpicky to them, we know their job is hard – to remind them that we are a developmental league, and that we want those borderline calls called. We want to teach people, because if they’re not called people are going to have no idea what those calls are. You can probably expect a few more penalties over the next few weeks, partially for developmental reasons and partially for safety. We don’t want beer league hockey, that is not what the MGHA is.

Open topics:

  • Eric Witte: we talked about a mid-season shuffle up. I know we have had a bit of an interruption due to the pandemic, and I know we surveyed and discussed this. We talked about having a half season where you play, do a rebalance/reshuffle, and then you have a secondary season and then do a second half.
    • Amanda: It did not come up given the context of this season. Next season potentially?
    • Gene: We’ve added more players and that is the shuffle just given the makeup of this season. 
    • Chuck: we sort have had to do that, since every game has had half subs on teams
  • Chuck: Is there a way we could get the subdesk earlier than Sunday afternoon? I get that emergencies will come up – they always do – but 90% of the time you know by Thursday or Friday so the captains aren’t running around trying to figure out who is playing?
    • K8: I would also support a printed list of volunteer subs and a sheet in the lobby to support last minute “hey I’m still here and didn’t expect to be, I’d play”
    • Mason: I don’t love watching the scramble. I agree with Chuck. I see you want to avoid asking on Friday or Saturday night, but I don’t like waiting until 2pm on Sunday to have any idea what games I’m playing or what equipment I need to bring. More time would be nice on both ends.
    • Rob: you can click on your next week’s game and see who on your team has marked themselves absent. Early in the morning, the subdesk is out and you can get the information out early if you want.
    • David: people are trying to make our games better, but I would suggest the captains need to make the call if this is working 
    • Tim: I think there is a serious scramble for L2, but this year is not the norm and we actually adjusted it later at the request of the captains last season. Feel free to kick off an email if you want to discuss
  • Libs: Quick straw poll: how do people feel about the idea to pick two games toward the end of the season where we (captains) identify players that want to try playing on a different level. Reason I’m asking is because if we do want to go forward with it, we would want to pick those dates sooner rather than later. I would be willing to coordinate. With 6 games left, we have space to do it, but we don’t even know how many people are interested. [Notetaker’s note: there was a bit of back and forth on this discussion not documented here due to speed of content :)]
    • Avery: we could include the question on the survey
  • Chuck: The path to L2 prompted me to think about this; the biggest thing that I feel that we are not serving people well with is skill development. We should think hard about making the league more accessible and more safe, allowing for more cross league work. We never take the step to offer more than 1 night a week, and that is going to limit development. I know other leagues offer more time; we should do the same
    • Tim: this came up during the captains meeting. We have tried in the past to do clinics and offered other days of the week. Part of the reason why is that not everyone wants multiple days of hockey – and that’s fine! People can choose what they want to do. The challenge we’re going to run into is getting ice time during the week, and it will come at a cost, and someone is going to have to organize that. It sounds like it would be a separate sign up. If people are willing to organize and get that running, then great! We do this during the summer. During the season, we would have to have someone to run that.
    • Gene: I love the idea as a development league that we ought to do something like this, but we don’t have the budget for this. We can call it MGHA plus or something, and it doesn’t sound like a boatload of work. Once we review the organizational force from our memberships we could get started
    • Chuck: it doesn’t have to be a structured skills clinic, but it can be as simple as offering up time. It bleeds into accessibility issues from a skills perspective
    • Nora: a stop-gap solution could be to take advantage of stick and pucks that are already scheduled at cap ice or other local rinks. Could there be a sign up where we encourage skilled players to sign up in advance to be present for newer skaters?
    • David Hafner: I like the ideas in chat that are coming up and we should do something. The history lesson is that we’ve tried it in the past and it didn’t work, so I don’t think we should overcommit. We can offer it middle of the Sunday
    • Bront: We’ve got enough interest that it’s worth having a survey topic. Will also throw out the idea of having, of doing something alongside summer scrimmages. We should also focus on financials too for this decision
    • Katie: not going to stop putting together a whole other night and separate ice, but there is not a dearth of ice availability in this city for people who want to practice skating. You can do it at any number of parks that have rinks, so we don’t have to say we aren’t developing players if we aren’t offering these. From a logistical perspective, would like to avoid having games going longer from 4:30-9:30 
    • Chuck: it would be even a great start and we don’t really socialize the opportunities for stick and puck
    • Gene: First of all, usurping a singular stick and puck can work great and can evolve into us into renting the ice at that time and at that rink. Another one is there is still 8:30 ice available at the shell. If someone wanted to take something on, have responsibility, we could help with the financial part
  • Libs: We got some positive feedback from a new player on our team. Just wanted to commend this league for its continued existence to play hockey and make connections. From what I can tell, we’re doing a great job at including amidst covid and amidst hockey
  • David: Thanks for all the conversation! It was all on how to make the league better, how to be good players, and better teammates. Some of the great things the league has done: we should pat ourselves on the back and publicize more of our work.
  • David: How is our storage situation? Is that sustainable?  It’s worth it to put it into the ether to think about. What is it we’re thinking about in July/August, but it seems like everything went well with recruiting/mentors
    • Rob: We had 6 subs on our last Sunday game, and we had a very hard time finding jerseys for all of our jerseys. Is there a way we can recycle jerseys so the sub jerseys for light blue can be given to the other teams?
    • Mason: we sent out an email – if you’re still needing them, you can email us
    • Bront: for future reference there are sometimes jerseys stashed at the bottom of the box. Would be in favor a set amount of 
    • Laur: I am open to inviting myself and going through and looking at the numbers and creating a pack of sub jerseys and logging numbers, but it’s contingent on how full/empty it is and them getting back
    • Ian: Can we make a spreadsheet, loan it all out for the captains, and then collect it and the sub jerseys from the prior years?

League Games 1/23/2022 !

Games! We will be holding regularly scheduled games this week! 

If you are unable to attend this week or are uncomfortable attending, please mark yourself absent on the website, or tell your captain so they can mark you absent on the website. We do have a number of absences this week for various reasons, so be sure to sign up to sub if you are able! Login to the website and go to Teams and Schedules to see the games and the checkboxes for subbing and absences The potential sub list and contact info email goes out to captains at noon on Sunday.

While you’re on the website volunteering to sub, please verify your contact info so Captains can reach you on Sunday afternoon.

Conduct and Inclusive Play – the MGHA Way

This is a quick mid-season reminder that in the MGHA, safety and inclusivity are our highest priorities. We are no-checking, but we are not no-contact. We also want everyone to be as safe as possible on and off the ice, so plays like intentional tripping, boarding, headshots, and slap shots are unnecessary and potentially dangerous. We are here to have fun and play hockey with our friends! We will be asking captains to reinforce this message in the locker rooms. 


Please stay home if you test positive (even if you feel fine) or are experiencing cold-like symptoms. If you weren’t already marked absent, let your captains know asap.

Submit your booster information or Ian will chase you down!

If you have not had the opportunity to get a booster, contact the board and we can help you get transportation to a vaccination clinic. If you are not yet eligible for a booster, let us know. We would like this info by the 22nd, we will extend a grace period until Jan 29th.

Google form submission: You can submit your vaccination card or state registry information in the google form We will delete the information in the google form at the end of the season. This is the preferred method of submission (although we understand if you are uncomfortable with submitting this information in our google form. Please see options below).

E-mail/Text: Alternatively, you can email your booster vaccination proof to Ian Leach at or text it to 734-775-4581. Please include your full name (as it appears in the MGHA website) in your message. While Ian will make every effort to delete these messages from his personal email and text chains, he cannot guarantee they will be removed by a specific date or they will not appear in deleted or archived folders.

In person: We will be offering in-person validation of vaccination information from 6:30-8:00 on Sunday 1/23 (permitting we have games or scrimmages on this day). If this time does not work for you, please reach out to for alternative arrangements.

Thank you for protecting one another, for protecting yourselves, and for making our league as safe as possible in these challenging times.