MGHA COVID-19 Protocols

Last updated: 2023-09-30

The MGHA’s policy on COVID-19 is to follow current CDC Guidelines.

If you are feeling ill, experiencing COVID-related symptoms, or have been informed of a potential contact/exposure, we highly recommend you follow the current CDC Guidelines by taking a COVID-19 test.

If at any time you test positive for COVID-19, please follow the current CDC Guidelines for isolation & masking instructions, keeping in mind that there are several high-risk individuals in the MGHA.

The MGHA also requests that you send an email to relaying that you’ve tested positive for COVID-19 so that we may anonymize that information and discreetly inform other players that have been in contact or possibly exposed. Our hope is to help keep our community a safe and inclusive space through the respectful balance of personal privacy and the wellbeing of others.

We also require that you stay up to date with vaccinations, as defined by CDC.

Thank you for being a kind and considerate member of the MGHA and for supporting the safety and wellbeing of both yourself and your fellow league members!